Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The Fallacy of Tax Reform: Why We Should Keep Our Hard-Earned Money

 Proposals for tax reforms presented by the Biden government have rocked American's economic scene. Although supporters of these changes contend they are required for social justice, we have to consider: at what price to the diligent people of this country? Let us first break apart the term "tax reform." It sounds benign even charitable. 

When you remove the layers, though, you discover a painful reality: it's usually only a euphemism for higher taxes. Although the proposal is presented as a means of funding social projects and redistribution of income, the fact is that it disproportionately impacts the middle class and small company owners, who maintain this economy operating. Imagine a society in which the government believes it better uses your hard-earned money. Let your teen handle your bank account; they may have good intentions, but we all know they will squander it on a mountain of pizza and the newest video game!  Moreover, the foundation of our economy, small enterprises, are already under pressure from inflation and growing expenses. 

More taxes added to their load might make all the difference between thriving and closing their doors permanently. Successful businesses create jobs, strengthen local economies, and help to improve community welfare. That's the actual trickle-down impact! Conservatives hold personal accountability and the belief that individuals should retain what we earn. 

We must unite to fight tax increases endangering our financial freedom and question the idea that the government should be the main arbiter of our financial paths. Keep alert and outspoken against these tax changes. We have to support laws empowering people instead of punishing them. Recall that the government should serve the people—not the other way around. Let us keep our money in our pockets, where it belongs! #TaxReformReality #FightForYour Funds #Conservative Values

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